Sunday, October 22, 2006

List, Bangles and "Not quite art" books

Dear Amy,
I'm sorry for not writting for long time. I've been really busy, but now I hope I'll get in line with writting. What's new? Well, I have writen half of book and it's XXXVIII chapters and about 166 pages with Ariel 10. I had b-day which was good except my crush no. 1 (he's name is Nicolas (if we see it on English), but everybody calls him Johnny) didn't watned to dance with me. Why is he crush no. 1, you ask? Well, becuase I well in lovw for 2nd time, with Judy's friend David who she called on her b-day. He is sooooo cute! But I have chanse to see him only once in year, at Judy's b/day.. So I'll just stick to Johnny...

Excurison was supercalafradgilisticexpialidotus (or what ever, that line from Mary Poppins). I was in room with Dee, Melly and Dianna at 1st, vbut Judy and Tiff didn't kliked their rooms so they came to ours. It was really crazy. 1st night was night that didn't happened cause we told each other our secrets. I can't tell any of them here since that night didn't happen.

2nd night was even crayier - it started when I got into PJs, took my mp3 plaier and camer, got on hall, picrtuer people and listened to "Girls Just wanna Have Fun" by Cindy Lauper (spelling!). Then Dianna broke wondow and I got out that I'm scared of glass and I got little down and all. I won't tell that part of story cause it is emberessing. After it, when we got to bed, I named my bear Laure cause he reminded me on Laurie from "Little Women", and I named Melly's bear Rhet cause he reminded me of Rhet Buttler from 'Gone with the Wind". I also said that, when Melly's bear grow up, I'll marry him. Then we got Judy's toys (she took about 10 of them) and I got names from "Gone With The Wind" for all of them. Funnies part was hen Tiff took cat that was Scarlett O'Hara, trow it and said
"Hi, I'm Scarlett O'Hara. Tomorrow is another day, and I'm going to die today!"

Then Aunt Pittypat (some smily-head) hitted Dianna in eye and we stopped...

Everything after excursion is too stuppid to talk about, so I'll just talk about today...


I made list of things I'll do before I finish school in June. For now, it has 40 things, but it'll be bnigger. Here it is:
  1. Write book
  2. Send to crush card for Valentine's day (14. II 2007)
  3. Get at least ONE A/5 from math
  4. Dance with boy
  5. Kiss crush (at least in some game)
  6. Do somenthing with hear
  7. Made some cloths, bag or something like that by my self
  8. Made final mind what hight school will you go in
  9. Stop crying cause of little tings as rain on Mars
  10. Help friends more
  11. Stop beaing jelous
  12. Be more like dearling Beth from "Little Women" and less like Amy (I like Amy, but I'm same her, ane that's not good)
  13. Learn to ice skate
  14. Find my favorite songs ("Great Balls of Fire", "Walk like Egyptian", "Billy S.", "Summertime") in pm3 format
  15. Change posters in room
  16. Stop being selfish (spelling!) (my ma says I am...)
  17. Respect rule I and Melly made "There are no lusers, there are only people who are happy with things they do" (I'll explame this later)
  18. See "Gone With The Wind", all at once (I always watch it in parts)
  19. Find at least one old film on DVD (something as "All About Eve", "Gilda"...)
  20. Read all books for reading mark (something as competition, I'll tell you when they tell us list of books)
  21. Always say your thoughts and learn to say NO
  22. Made CD with all your favorite songs
  23. Learn those things for PE
  24. Made someone laugh every day
  25. Stop making Melly's like miserebly (joke of cores)
  26. Go on some concert (I heard my fave band "Vaya Con Dios" comes in Serbia in november)
  27. Stop being SO histeric sometimes
  28. Stop being so lazy (HAHA)
  29. Start making SOMETHING from my miserbly life
  30. Find at last one boy friend (I mean as friend, not as boyfriend)
  31. Do at last 1/2 of this list
  32. Buy some nice jewlery
  33. Buy some crystal
  34. Find some CD of band "The Bangles"
  35. Made something nice to yourslef everyday
  36. Laugh everyday
  37. Learn to save money
  38. Do some nice things for my brother, Andrew
  39. Learn to cook
  40. Not poisen anyone with my cooking

It's that for now. Big list... :)

I learned all day and I'm going to learn more. I finisthed part of History, part of Geography, little of Russian and thta' all. I hate school! Grrr!

Also, I got "Permanent Rose" and "Caddy Ever After" from America in wendesday. It's 3rd and 4th part of book "Saffy's Angel" (2nd part is "Indigo's star") and I would recomend it to EVERYONE! Those book are GREAT! I alredy read "Peromanent Rose". It's about one crazy family. Ma and pa are painters and they have 4 childeren. Mother Eve is bit crazy and always peint in her shead on end of garden. Father, Bill, lives in London and he paints "sirioustly". "Not quite art" says he for Eve's paintings. Oldest daughter, Cadmium, is easy-going deramer who LOVER guena pigs and her drive instrucior, darling Michael. Saffy's adopted daughter (her mother was Linda, Eve's twin sister), so she's cold and quet all until she meet her new best friend Sarah, girl in weel-chair. Indigo is tall, dark boy who cures his fear of hiight by sitting on his window. And Rose is little, smart and she always says what she thinks. Oh, she also likes to paint on walls. So, it's funny, family novel that will NEVER be boring. Read it!

Now I have to go on lucnh (Pizza, again) and after it I have to learn.... :S I hope I'll write again soon, but I can't promise ANYTHING.

Peace,Light, Love and Chcolate from your friend Anya! :)