Friday, September 22, 2006

My silly-willy invitations to my silly-willy b-day....

Dear Amy,
today I started writing 15th chapter of book. It's going fine now, but I'm really starteing to worry if it will be loo long, will I lost somewhere... I feel like I'm only on the begging and I alredy wrote about 80 pages! And I still have SO much in my head!

Maybe that's the reason that my head is so big...

I went with Dee and Melly to town today. Dee's friend, Dianna, also came. I can tell she's getting on my nerves: she always find bad in someone, nothing's right to her, everyone are stupid except her... I can see how that happened that good girl like Dee stucked up with her... But I won't compain or will I tell the gossips around... Although it will be hard but now.

But I am not really gossip girl! I like to hear gossip just to see what's going up around me, what did people think of this time, to have good laugh. But I don't like to tell around gossips and I HATE to chang them and then tell around. It's so stupid and you don't get ANYTHING with it....

Anyway, I bough 3rd part of Ally's world, it just came out. I dunno what to read. I'll finish Eragon, although I'm not in mood for fantasy book right now, but I need to get back Proffessor (Charlott Bronte) to library cause I can't read it, it quite boring. Like I'm reading Robinson Crusoe all over again. And worst book I read is Robinson. Now you see... I mean, I like old books and all, but GOSH, that's too much for me. And I'll leave Adele for some time now and read it later....

Tomorrow I have painting classes with my art teacher and my friedend, Luke. Some silent girl Ivy goes there, she looks quite interesting, but she never talks, so it's hard to say what is she like. After painting class we go to see what I'll buy to Selene or her birthday, then i go on lunch with my family and then I go to Selene's birthday. It's gonna be REALLY boring there, I know, since they'll be listening to the music I DON'T listen or like, they'll be talking about things I DON'T know about, they'll be palying games I DON'T find with vary sense, but then I thing of MY birthday next week and that I'LL get chanse to choose music and all, and it totally gets easier to me! Also, we're going on excursion in October, I'm sitting with Melly in bus (by the window, OF CORES), and I'll be with Melly, Dee and Dianna in room (OK, it'll be REALLY hard to be with Dianna in room since she'll probably going to go crazy cause I and Melly are messy, so I'll have feeling like I'm in home, but I'll live with it). Although I will be sad cause I wion't be able to post on blog, and I won't be able to write my book and I won't be able to watch any movie for three days, I can't wait to go!

Oh, and I started making invitation for party in next sunday. Here's the text for invitation I made for Dee.
To Duchess Andrea from Cristal,
You duchessy, you're invited on birthday ball of Lady Anya from Pearl. Ball will be on 1st October 2006. in ____ hours on adress III Flower Bulevard ??? in sallon 26. Ball includes Coke tea, snack from cake and chips, rock'n'roll waltz and alaso from watching special program - movie. It's vary important to bring good mood, have beautiful dress and wonderful hair-dress. We wait for you!

Truly yours,
Lady Anya from Pearl
Also, every invitation have it's own ppicture of old actresses - Thre'll bee Veronca Lake or Rita Heyowrt for Dee (Dee's blond, and so is Veronica, and Dee told she likes Rita, so...), Audrey Hepburn or Vivien Leigh for Melly (she likes them), Jean Halow or Myrna Loy for Kate (they kind remaind me of her, dunoo really why), Marilyn Monore or Elizabeth Taylor for Tiffany (she asked me to put them), Judy Garlend or Bette Davis for Judy (just like that...), Theda Bara or Greta Garbo or some other silent-movie-star to Dora (just to make joke since she can't stand balc and wite movies and I can't think of what would she say if she needed to watch silent movie) and Lillian Gish to Andrew. Why, you ask, I make invitation to my own brother that lives with me? Simple: beacuse he crazy and he watns it. And why, you ask again, do I put Lillian Gish on his invitation? Another simple one: he asked me! Yes, my little brother (8-years-old) thinks Lillian Gish is beautiful (he's not only one - I think it too). But it's crazy since my brother told that wonderful Vivien Leigh is grosse and that Rita Heywoth is stupid.
Silly Andrew!
Also, I might put Sofia Loren or Gina Lallobrigida (SPELLING!) to Tiff's invitation cause she likes them alSO. Or I think she do. But I think I'll put Marilyn cause she adored "Someone likes it hot" (have it taped, still haven't watched it...).
So, that's it quite... I'll write again soon! For that time...
and Chcolate
from your friend Anya!


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