Tuesday, July 04, 2006

It's all about book (at last in my own little corner)..

Dear Blog,
When I was comming back home from Video Club, I saw Melly, Dora and someone else, I dunno-who. I tried that they don't see me, and I think I did. I don't know is that good or bad, all I know that I really don't want to talk with Melly. She hasn't called me for two days, and I don't know is there anything to talk about. I'm mad at her, she follows Dora, me and Dea are fantasticly good friends... Everybody are happy! So, I can live without Melly. And this is new fact in my life. Especially after all that great time I spent with Dea yesterday. We were at lage mall, and she has looked for rollerskates. But, since we are both book-worms, most of time we spent in book store. There are few books that looks Ok, but still no anything what I'm waithing for: 2nd part of Sisterhood of the traveling pants, 3rd part of Chronich of eadgeland, 3rd part of Saffy's Angle (Perament Rose). And there's 4th part of Saffy's Angle also (Caddy Ever After)!!! I dunno will it EVER be translated to Srbian (probably not. only think people read here is Harry Potter...)! :( But I asked ma can I get early b-day presant. She just said: "We'll see about it dear". Oh God, I NEED to have tose books! You know, if I get to read them on English, I might do translation and read it to Andrew. He liked Indigo's star and Saffy's Angle also. When I read him, we both died laughing! I adore that book! I'm gonna read it after Lady and the Unicorn. Also I could get other Hilary McKays' books on English. It would be great since that other series (the Exiles, I think that's name) is about 4 sisters, just like Little Women. And Little Women is my all-time-fave novel! I hope I'll get all books so I could read it to Andrew, he'll like it! We can get pretty well together if we want to. You know what I like most? When, in afternoon, when it's really hot outside, we sit by side computer and watch DVD film I got from Video Club. Like, few days ago we watched Tarzan II. Not so good as original film, but it havs some REALLY funny parts. And today we watched Peter Pan. It's soooo lovely film! I'm totally gonna read the book after Indigo's star. And I think Andrew and I are gonna repet few times before spelling "I do belive at fairies!".


and Chcolate from Anya!


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